Thursday, May 1, 2014

Developing a Fraction Prototype

Ohh...the wonderful world of fractions. This three week assignments has been a bit of a roller coaster. But that's what design is. You get an idea, it doesn't actually work (or you can not come to conclusion) so you change it. Then you prototype it and the ride just keeps repeating itself.

The assignment was to come up with an idea for a game/simulation that teaches fractions. The only guideline we got was that it couldn't use the old ' pizza slices' method. Ideally it was also suppose to link to the real life use of fractions.

We decided to teach fractions through music - or music through fractions, depending on how you look at it. Our initial idea was to use a Makey Makey tool kit and link that somehow to water glasses. The glasses would be filled with different amount of water (that's where the fractions were to come in) and if you got them right you could play a song, that had been assigned to you, through a digital environment.

We probably should have thought a little bit about the water and the electronics. But we were so focused on having it in the physical world as well as the digital that we tried again, and again.

What we ended up with is far from perfect. We saw that clearly in the physical prototyping class, where we were all still on a different page as to what the game play actually was. But it was fun and again, it's what design is all about. It's messy, but so worth it because there's a chance you might end up with something brilliant. And if not, then you hopefully learned why it didn't work and you move on to the next thing where that knowledge hopefully comes in handy.

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